

Tarlea,  S.,  2019.   Parties, Power and Policy-making: From Higher Education to Multinationals in Post- communist Societies, Routledge, United Kingdom.

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

Tarlea, S., Bailer, S., Kudrna, Z., Wasserfallen, F. 2023. Executive Power in European Union Politics, Governance, online first.

Tortola, P. D., &  Tarlea, S., 2020. The Power of Expertise: Gauging Technocracy in EMU Reform Negotiations, Journal of European Public Policy, 1-23, online first.

Weber, R., & Tarlea, S., 2020. Politics of Immobility: Global Knowledge Production and the Study of Europe in Asia, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, online first.

Tarlea, S., Bailer, S., Degner, H., Dellmuth, S., Leuffen, D., Tallberg, J., Wasserfallen, F. 2019, Explaining Governmental Preferences on Economic and Monetary Union Reform, European Union Politics, Vol. 20. No. 1, pp. 24 – 44.

Lundgren, M., Bailer, S., Dellmuth, S., Tallberg, J., Tarlea, S., 2019. Bargaining Success in the Reform of the Eurozone, European Union Politics, Vol. 20. No. 1, pp. 65 – 88.

Tarlea, S., 2018. Low- and High-Skills Equilibria in Central and Eastern Europe: What Role for the Government? East European Politics and Societies and Cultures, Vol 33, No. 1, pp. 157 – 175.

Tarlea, S. and Freyberg-Inan, A., 2018. The Education Skills Trap in a Dependent Market Economy. Roma- nia’s case in the 2000s, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Vol. 51, No.1, pp. 49 – 61.

Tarlea, S., 2017. Higher Education Governance in Central and Eastern Europe: A Perspective on Hungary and Poland, European Educational Research Journal, Vol.16, No. 5, pp. 670 – 683.

Contributions to Books

Tarlea, S. and Bailer. S., 2020. Technocratic Governments in European-wide Policy Negotiations, in The Technocratic Challenge to Democracy, Bertsou, E. and Caramani, D (eds.), Routledge.

Tarlea, S., 2014. Complementarity in a Mixed-methods Design: Political Economy of Skill Formation in Central and Eastern Europe. SAGE. Sage Cases in Political Methodology. available online. London.

Outreach Activities

Tarlea, S. 2022. What do we know about crises in the European Union and how can this help us understand current ones? Editorial for newsletter no. 136, Institute for European Global Studies, University of Basel

Tarlea, S. 2019. Je exponierter der Finanzsektor, desto mehr Europaische Integration, blog post on De Facto , last accessed 23.10.2020.

Tarlea, S. 2019. Have Austria, Germany and the Netherlands impeded Eurozone reforms?, blog post on LSE Europe blog, last accessed 23.10.2020.

Weber, R., and Tarlea, S. 2018. The Politics of Studying Europe in China, Europe Now, Europe-China Relations Special Issue, Council for European Studies, Columbia University.

Weber and Tarlea, S. 2016-2020. Co-founder and organizer of research group on European Studies in a global perspective, Institute for European Global Studies, University of Basel.

Tarlea, S. 2016. Masurile economice si programele partidelor politice pentru alegerile din decembrie 2016, (Economic measures in the 2016 manifestos of political parties), Romanian politics portal.

Policy Reports

Tarlea. S., 2023. The politicisation of education in Europe’s new democracies, Oxford Analytica.

Tarlea, S., Han Yue, C., Nugroho, D., Karamperidou, D. 2021. Time to Teach: Teacher attendance and time on task in primary schools South Sudan, UNICEF, Innocenti Research Report.

Belakova, N. and Tarlea, S., 2013. The Legislative and the Media in the Czech Republic, Romania and Slovakia, MDCEE Working Paper, St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford.